Installing PeTech root CA certificate

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Downloading the certificate

You may download the root CA certificate for PeTech SSL here.

To verify the certificate's authenticity, it's SHA1 fingerprint is 37:4B:E0:A0:47:CD:65:8B:B3:CC:51:18:30:9D:E3:20:E8:94:69:3F.

Installing the certificate for Internet Explorer and Chrome in Windows

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel and select Classic View.
  2. Open Internet options from the Control Panel.
  3. You should see the Internet Properties display. Select the Content tab from the Internet Options display.
  4. Click the Certificates button.
  5. You should see the Certificates display. Select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab from the Certificates display.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. You should see the Certificate Wizard Import display. Click the Next button.
  8. You should see a prompt for File to Import. Click the Browse button.
  9. Browse to the ca.cer certificate file you downloaded previously (see above #Downloading_the_certificate), and click Open.
  10. You should see the File to Import prompt with the file you just selected filled in. Click the Next button.
  11. You should see the Certificate Store display. Click the Next button.
  12. You should see a confirmation display. Click the Finish button.
  13. You should see a Security Warning which includes the thumbprint of the certificate you are installing. Verify the authenticity of the certificate by comparing the thumbprint shown in the security warning with the fingerprint shown above (#Downloading_the_certificate). Click the Yes button to install the certificate.
  14. You should receive a confirmation the import was successful.
  15. Close the Certificates display.
  16. Click the OK button on the Internet Options display to close it.
  17. Finished!

Installing the certificate for Firefox

Installing the certificate for Java